Full Video: Trump Rally Richmond KY 10/13/18 @EKU KAG2018

President Trump held this rally last night at Eastern Kentucky University to a cheering crowd. Trump gave praise to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, crediting the Kentucky lawmaker’s toughness getting Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.

Trump flew to Kentucky to campaign for three-term Republican Rep. Andy Barr, who is facing a strong challenge from Democrat Amy McGrath, a retired Marine fighter pilot, in one of the country’s most watched House races.

emocrats DEFECT From the NEW Democratic Party
The Trump Train is picking up speed heading for Washington DC. Dems to get your ticket Vote Republican on 11/06/18

President Trump blasted “crazy, radical Democrats” for being totally consumed by their chilling lust for power. The OLD Democratic Party Is GONE Forever!

No Trump rally would be complete without Democrat protesters. Outside the EKU alumni coliseum rally attendees received “friendly advice” how to handle protesters.

Trump told the rally that a vote for Barr “could make the difference between unbelievable continued success” or failure, and pleaded with his supporters to vote on Nov. 6 to send more Republicans to Congress.

Trump Rally Richmond KY
A large crowd waited outside Richmond’s Eastern Kentucky University for Alumni Coliseums opening. Love all those MAGA hats!

Team Trump is helping President Donald Trump Keep America Great in 2018! DNC Defectors are Welcome. Dems Just Vote Republican for your Trump Train Ticket! ?

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